Sunday, May 15, 2011

My AVON Experience . . . . .

   Was FANTASTIC! Years ago I became a fan of AVON when I purchased the Moisture Therapy Intensive Treatment Hand Cream, Slick Tints Lip Balm, Banishing Cream, and Bubble Gum flavored Flavor Savers. I was an instant succer for AVON and always will be. The quality of AVON products is remarkable and there is always a 100% money back garantee- even if you used every last drop!

   At that time, I worked in a facility that required the staff to wash our hands obsessively. My hands were so sore and cracked and at times even bleeding. I needed a treatment that would protect my skin and that is when Moisture Therapy and I became a couple.

   When I was a kid, I took a liking to lip balms. Maybe it was because I wasn't allowed to wear lipstick yet so I was fascinated with the balms, lol, or maybe it was because my grandma always had a tube of unscented chapstick laying around- whatever the case may be, I grew up with a lack of desire to wear lipsticks and continued wearing balms. So as an adult,when I spotted AVON had a Slick Tints Lip Balm available, I thought, hmm, that is a lip balm with a tint, and I tried it and have been wearing that ever since. The Bubble Gum flavored Flavor Saver lip balm was given to me and I absolutely loved it- no turning back now!

   As for the Banishing Cream . . . About age 35 I started developing some strange spots on my face. It began on my nose, then cheeks, then one day a freckle like spot developed on my forehead. This freckle grew and grew and grew into a HUGE brown dot and I literally felt like a bullseye. I noticed people started glancing at it and family was questioning what was going on and I was so embarrassed. At first I thought it was premature age spots or possible damage to my skin as I was previously a smoker for a few decades:( so I purchased this Banishing Cream and had to learn to use it daily, then the discolorations began to fade and disappear! Unfortunately I got lazy and stopped using the Banishing Cream, but my testimony remains as strong as ever. Thank you AVON!

What's your AVON success story?

To order AVON, please contact me at 904-742-5282
Happy AVON shopping!
